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Collecting Diagnostics from Oracle Hosts for Delphix Support Cases (KBA1763)




KBA# 1763


This article provides steps for collecting diagnostic information from Oracle hosts to assist with Delphix support cases, including:

General Server Information 

Create a directory in which all the files can be collected before they get compressed and uploaded to Delphix.

mkdir <case number>

mkdir <case number>

For example:

mkdir /tmp/12345

Copy the system messages file to the temporary directory. For example,


cp /var/log/messages /tmp/12345


cp /var/adm/messages /tmp/12345

Alert Log and Trace Files 

Find the location of your alert log. For example,



Navigate to this directory and copy the alert log file for your database to the temporary directory. For example,

cd /u01/app11/ora11204/diag/rdbms/rh74db01/rh74db01/trace
cp alert*.log /tmp/12345

Copy any trace files with your particular error number to the temporary directory. For example, 

find . -mtime -1 -type f -name '*.trc' -exec grep -l "ORA-00060" {} \; -exec cp {} /tmp/12345 \;




This example will include trace files modified in the last day that contain the string "ORA-00060".

Listener Log and Status 

Find all of the listeners on the server.

ps -ef|grep tnslsnr

For each listener, capture the status and services to the temporary directory. For example,

lsnrctl status LISTENER > /tmp/12345/LISTENER_status
lsnrctl service LISTENER > /tmp/12345/LISTENER_service

For each listener, get the listener log directory. For example,

lsnrctl status LISTENER | grep "Log File" | sed "s/alert\/log.xml/trace/g"

For each listener, copy the log to the temporary directory. For example,

cp /u01/app12/ora12201/diag/tnslsnr/rhel74-ora-src/listener/trace/listener*.log /tmp/12345

OPatch information 

For the appropriate database Oracle Home:

  1. Set ORACLE_HOME to your database home. If you are unsure about which ORACLE_HOME it should be, you can check the Configuration tab in the UI, for example

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 4.33.23 pm.png

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME using whatever method is appropriate for your host, for example
. oraenv
  1. Collect the OPatch information and copy it to the temporary directory. For example,
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory > /tmp/12345/rdbms_opatch.lis

If you have Grid Infrastructure running on this server:

  1. Set ORACLE_HOME to your Grid Infrastructure home
  2. Collect the OPatch information and copy it to the temporary directory. For example,
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory > /tmp/12345/gi_opatch.lis

Delphix Toolkit Logs 

Copy the connector and snapsync directories in the toolkit directory to the temporary directory.

The following snapsync directory may not exist in your environment.

For example,

tar cvf /tmp/12345/connector.tar /var/opt/delphix/Toolkit/Delphix_564d736a_5edb_8bf7_f2c1_9be79bc6d2dc_delphix_host/log/connector
tar cvf /tmp/12345/snapsync.tar /var/opt/delphix/Toolkit/Delphix_564d736a_5edb_8bf7_f2c1_9be79bc6d2dc_delphix_host/log/snapsync

Oracle Session Details

This is especially important when collecting data for slow or hanging jobs.

  1. Connect to the Oracle instance ( or CDB instance ) in question as sysdba
  2. Collect the output of. Ensure the spool output directory is set correctly.


This query in very rare circumstances may include end user data which is not appropriate to share with Delphix Support. Please review the query output and manually redact any private data.


set pagesize 1000
set linesize 400
set long 130
col sid for 99999999999
col event format A40
col username format A10
col program for A10
col osuser for A20
col server for A10
col sql_text for A130
col p1text for A15
col p2text for A15
col p3text for A15
col ospid for A10

spool /tmp/12345/session_detail.out

select s.sid,
       s.username, as oracle_pid,
       p.spid as ospid,
       substr(s.program,1,30) as program,
       substr(q.sql_text,1,130) as sql_text,
from v$session s
inner join v$session_wait sw on s.sid = sw.sid
inner join v$process p on s.paddr = p.addr
left outer join v$sqltext q on q.address = s.sql_address
            and q.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
            and q.PIECE = 0
where status = 'ACTIVE'
and s.username is not null
order by seconds_in_wait desc;
spool off

Oracle System State Dump

This is especially important when collecting data for slow or hanging jobs.

  1. Connect to the Oracle instance (or CDB instance) in question as sysdba.
  2. Execute the following commands.
    SQL> oradebug setmypid
    SQL> oradebug tracefile_name
    SQL> oradebug unlimit
    SQL> oradebug dump systemstate 267
  3. Copy the generated trace file ( This will be output from oradebug tracefile_name command ) to diagnostics directory /tmp/12345.
    Capturing two system state dumps a minute or so apart may also be required to determine if processes are moving or hung.

Process Run State 

This is especially important when collecting data for slow or hanging jobs.

  1. Collect list of running process
  2. Identify and collect jstack and pstack for each Delphix client process.

Linux ( as the user owning the process )

ps -ef --forest > /tmp/12345/ps.out
ps -ef | grep java | grep Delphix

oracle   16846     1  3 22:09 ?        00:00:04 /work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/java -ea -XX:-UseVMInterruptibleIO -Ddelphix.toolkit.base.dir=/work -Ddelphix.max.worker=16 -jar /work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/client/dsp/client.jar
           ^ for each process found, perform the following actions.
/work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/jstack 16846 > /tmp/12345/jstack.16846.out

- If the command above fails, you can try with -F (force) as root or via sudo but it should be used as last resort only:

/work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/jstack -F 16846 > /tmp/12345/jstack.16846.out

pstack 16846 > /tmp/12345/pstack.16846.out

gcore -a -o /tmp/12345/core_dump.16846 16846

Solaris ( as the user owning the process )

ptree > /tmp/12345/ptree.out
ps auxw | grep java | grep Delphix

oracle   16846     1  3 22:09 ?        00:00:04 /work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/java -ea -XX:-UseVMInterruptibleIO -Ddelphix.toolkit.base.dir=/work -Ddelphix.max.worker=16 -jar /work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/client/dsp/client.jar
           ^ for each process found, perform the following actions.

/work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/jstack 16846 > /tmp/12345/jstack.16846.out

- If the command above fails, you can try with -F (force) as root or via pfexec/sudo but it should be used as last resort only:
/work/Delphix_COMMON_564d8f2c_a863_3ee5_6144_5fed34066879_oracle_host/java/jdk/bin/jstack -F 16846 > /tmp/12345/jstack.16846.out
pstack 16846 > /tmp/12345/pstack.16846.out

AIX (as root or via sudo):


- Check for active dsp clients:

root@aix:/work-> ps -ef | grep client.jar
dlpxqaor 13636656        1   0 03:08:06      -  0:33 /work/Delphix_COMMON_448cff503608_6867d856d61b_4630_host/java/jdk/bin/java -ea -XX:-UseVMInterruptibleIO -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/work -Dio.netty.allocator.maxOrder=7 -Djdk.tls.acknowledgeCloseNotify=true -javaagent:/work/Delphix_COMMON_448cff503608_6867d856d61b_4630_host/client/dsp/libs/com.delphix.common/agent-1.0.0.jar -Ddelphix.toolkit.base.dir=/work -Ddelphix.max.worker=16 -jar /work/Delphix_COMMON_448cff503608_6867d856d61b_4630_host/client/dsp/client.jar
    root 34608182 41620696   0 03:35:05  pts/0  0:00 grep client.jar

- Record current date/time:

root@aix:/work-> date
Wed Feb 22 03:35:07 PST 2023

- Send signal 3 to create a jstack like file:

root@aix:/work-> kill -3 13636656

- Check for any javacore* files in the specified -XX:HeapDumpPath=/work folder created after the date/time above:

root@aix:/work-> ls -la javacore*
-rw-r--r--    1 dlpxqaor oinstall    1177544 Feb 22 03:35 javacore.20230222.033515.13636656.0004.txt <-- jstack file output
- You may want to collect more than one jstack to see if threads are changing.

Full heap dump:

- Generate full heap dump via gencore:

root@aix:/work-> gencore 13636656 /work/client.dmp

- Check the size of the file (it shouldn't be 0!):

root@aix:/work-> ls -la client.dmp
-rw-r--r--    1 dlpxqaor oinstall  757698322 Feb 22 03:39 client.dmp

- Generate a zip file of the dump jextract should be available from our toolkit:

/work/Delphix_COMMON_448cff503608_6867d856d61b_4630_host/java/jdk/jre/bin/jextract client.dmp

- Check the zip file:

root@aix:/work-> ls -la
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system     82645767 Feb 22 03:42

What to send:

Collect all javacore* and files and upload them for analysis.

Uploading Logs To Your Support Case 

Compress the temporary directory before uploading it. For example,

tar cvf /tmp/12345.tar /tmp/12345
gzip /tmp/12345.tar

Files of less than 50MB in size can be attached directly to the case, using the link contained in emails regarding your open case. Files larger than this size can be attached using, referencing your case number when prompted.

How to construct the toolkit directory path

The toolkit directory name is Delphix version dependent, as how it is built changed in

single instance:

this can be pieced together from the following:

cat misc/appliance-uuid

select dh.toolkit_directory
from dlpx_host dh, dlpx_host_environment dhe
where = <environment_name> and
      dh.host_id = split_part(,'-',2)::int;

delphix_osuser: (really only relevant if the environment has multiple users)
select deu.user_name
from dlpx_environment_user deu, dlpx_host_environment dhe
where<environment_name> and
      dhe.host_environment_id = split_part(deu.environment,'-',2)::int;

Example: for environment name lx_dr_oltp

cat misc/appliance-uuid

hercules=> select dh.toolkit_directory
hercules-> from dlpx_host dh, dlpx_host_environment dhe
hercules-> where = 'lx_dr_oltp' and
hercules->       dh.host_id = split_part(,'-',2)::int;
(1 row)

hercules=> select deu.user_name
hercules-> from dlpx_environment_user deu, dlpx_host_environment dhe
hercules-> where'lx_dr_oltp' and
hercules->       dhe.host_environment_id = split_part(deu.environment,'-',2)::int;
 giving us:
single instance:

this can be pieced together from the following:

cut -d'-' -f5 < misc/appliance-uuid

example output:
cat misc/appliance-uuid | cut -d'-' -f5

for single instance environments, this query will provide the relevant information:

select dh.host_address, dh.toolkit_directory, split_part(dh.delphix_uuid,'-',5) as uuidstub, 
       deu.host_user_id, deu.user_name     
from dlpx_host dh, dlpx_host_environment dhe, dlpx_environment_user deu
where<environment_name>  and 
      deu.environment ~ 'ENVIRONMENT' and
      dhe.host_environment_id = split_part(deu.environment,'-',2)::int and
      dh.host_id = split_part(,'-',2)::int;

example output:

      host_address               | toolkit_directory |   uuidstub   | host_user_id | user_name
------------------------------------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------+----- | /var/tmp          | 5bdbb773a03e |            4 | oracle | /var/tmp          | 5bdbb773a03e |            5 | davidj
 the toolkit directory would then be: 
 /var/tmp/Delphix_4c3487c97f3c_5bdbb773a03e_4_host  (for environment user oracle)
 /var/tmp/Delphix_4c3487c97f3c_5bdbb773a03e_5_host  (for environment user davidj)

For a cluster environment, this query will provide the relevant information:

select as node_name, dh.host_address, dh.toolkit_directory, 
       split_part(dh.delphix_uuid,'-',5) as uuidstub, deu.host_user_id, deu.user_name as user
from dlpx_host dh, dlpx_environment_user deu, orcl_cluster oc, orcl_cluster_node ocn
where<cluster_environment_name> and
      deu.environment ~ 'CLUSTER' and
      oc.cluster_id = split_part(ocn.cluster,'-',2)::int and
      oc.cluster_id = split_part(deu.environment,'-',2)::int and
      dh.host_id = split_part(,'-',2)::int;

example output:

 node_name |       host_address       | toolkit_directory |   uuidstub   | host_user_id | user
 sdrac1    | | /work             | 5e10982a4965 |            1 | oracle
 sdrac2    |              | /work             | c222acd463bb |            1 | oracle
 the toolkit directories would then be:
 node sdrac1, host_address
 /work/Delphix_4c3487c97f3c_5e10982a4965_1_cluster  (for environment user oracle)
 node sdrac2, host_address
 /work/Delphix_4c3487c97f3c_c222acd463bb_1_cluster  (for environment user oracle)