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Reinstall/Upgrade the Delphix Connector (KBA1507)






The Delphix Connector installed on each Target Environment (Windows Server) may get out of date as new versions of Delphix are released.

Newer versions of the Delphix Connector may include stability or performance improvements.


The following steps can be used to uninstall and reinstall the Delphix Connector as required:

  • Uninstall the Delphix Connector
  • Download the latest installer from your Delphix Engine
  • Reinstall the Delphix Connector

More detail on each step is provided below.

While the Delphix Connector is uninstalled on a Target Environment, dSource and virtual database (VDB) operations (such as validated sync, manual snapshots, and provisioning operations) initiated by the Delphix Engine against that Target Environment will fail.

On Target Environments with Staging databases, or on Delphix Engines with a large number of users, consider disabling each dSource in the environment. This may help to reduce the risk of confusion or failure for other users.

In the case of VDBs, no need to disable or shutdown. If SnapSync, refresh or other VDB operations occur during the uninstall/install they can be restarted afterwards. This prevents the need to incur more downtime.

Uninstall the Delphix Connector

Before uninstalling the Connector, the following steps should be performed using the Delphix Engine web interface:

  1. Login to Delphix using an administrative account (e.g. delphix_admin).
  2. As a precaution, you can backup the binary directories, such as bin, connector, service, scripts, etc, to a temporary location. Always copy the logs directory, since uninstall will remove this directory, in case you require the history of the logs for root cause analysis or similar. You can't move the VDB or Staging folders since the data is an iSCSI data mount. These will not be removed or manipulated during uninstall/reinstall.
  3. Using the Actions panel, verify that no VDB provisioning or refresh operations are currently being performed using the Target Environment.
  4. If the Target Environment being upgraded is a Staging / Validated Sync server for any dSources, disable all dSources which use the Staging server.
  5. Just prior to disabling dSources, use the following query on each SQL Server instance to verify that no Validated Sync RESTORE operations are currently running.

    Show Restore Operations
    SELECT r.session_id, r.command, CONVERT(NUMERIC(6,2), r.percent_complete) AS [PercentComplete], CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), DATEADD(ms,r.estimated_completion_time, GetDate()),20) AS [ETACompletionTime], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.total_elapsed_time/1000.0/60.0) AS [ElapsedMin], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.estimated_completion_time/1000.0/60.0) AS [ETAMin], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.estimated_completion_time/1000.0/60.0/60.0) AS [ETAHours], CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000), (SELECT SUBSTRING(text, r.statement_start_offset/2, CASE WHEN r.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN 1000 ELSE (r.statement_end_offset-r.statement_start_offset)/2 END) FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)))
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r 
  6. If any operations are in progress, wait for them to complete before disabling dSources. Once complete, disable dSources and proceed with the uninstall.

If your Windows Server is used as a Staging / Validated Sync Target for one or more linked dSources, uninstalling the connector while a Validated Sync operation (i.e. database restore) is in progress may leave the database in an inconsistent state. Validated Sync operations are not visible in the Delphix GUI, so it is necessary to query the SQL Server instance(s) on this server directly to check whether a restore is in progress.

On the Target Environment (where the Delphix Connector is being upgraded):

  1. Log into the server via Remote Desktop.
  2. From the Windows Services manager, Stop the Delphix Connector Service.
  3. Verify in Task Manager that the java process associated with the Delphix Connector has terminated.
  4. From Control Panel select Programs and Features, then navigate to Delphix Connector, right click it and select uninstall.
  5. Install new connector from downloaded DelphixConnectorInstaller.msi or DelphixConnectorInstaller.exe file.
  6. Check Delphix Connector version from the Programs and Features list.
  7. Check the Delphix Connector service is running and set to automatic.
  8. If all is successful continue here, otherwise check Additional Troubleshooting Steps section.
  9. Verify your system is now working properly. You may need to manually start any disabled dSources or VDBs from the Delphix UI.

Download the Delphix Connector

Delphix Connector software supplied by Delphix Engine versions before required that the Windows machine had SQL Server installed. If you are using a Windows machine that does not have SQL Server installed, you must download the Delphix Connector from a Delphix Engine of version or higher.

The Delphix Connector can be downloaded through the Delphix Engine Interface, or by directly accessing its URL.

Using the Delphix Engine Interface

For versions below 5.2.0, the Flash player must be available on the Windows host in order to download Delphix Connector using the Delphix GUI. 

  1. From the Windows machine that you want to use, start a browser session and connect to the Delphix Engine GUI using the delphix_admin login.
  2. Click Manage.
  3. Select Environments.
  4. Next to Environments, click the green Plus icon.
  5. In the Add Environment dialog, select Windows in the operating system menu.
  6. Select Target.
  7. Select Standalone.
  8. Click the download link for the Delphix Connector Installer.
    The Delphix Connector will download to your local machine.

Direct Download

You can download the Delphix Connector directly by navigating to either of these URLs, depending on the DelphixConnector package you are using: 

  • Delphix Engine versions before
http://<name of your Delphix Engine>/connector/DelphixConnectorInstaller.msi
  • Delphix Engine and onwards:
http://<name of your Delphix Engine>/connector/DelphixConnectorInstaller.exe




The URL for the connector installer (/connector/DelphixConnectorInstaller.exe) is case sensitive.


Reinstall the Delphix Connector

On the Windows machine that you want to want to use, run the Delphix Connector installer. Click Next to advance through each of the installation wizard screens.

The installer will only run on 64-bit Windows systems. 32-bit systems are not supported.

  1. For Connector Configuration, make sure  there is no firewall in your environment blocking traffic to the port on the Windows environment that the Delphix Connector service will listen to.
  2. For Select Installation Folder, either accept the default folder, or click Browse to select another.
  3. When using the EXE installer, for Choose .NET framework (Delphix Engine onwards), select which version of .NET Framework should be used by the Delphix Connector Windows service. The installer will default to the latest version detected on the system. This selection can be changed afterwards but make sure that chosen .NET Framework version should exist in the system.
    Note: If neither .NET framework version exists a pop-up will warn the installer of the situation and a version of supported .NET Framework needs to be installed for the DelphixConnector installer to proceed past this point.

  4. Click Next on the installer final Confirm Installation dialog to complete the installation process and then Close to exit the Delphix Connector Install Program.
  5. Note: At this point, you can close the Delphix GUI dialog by clicking Cancel.
  6. Go to the Delphix UI Manage - Environments and refresh the environment.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

Issues Removing the Delphix Connector 

If there are issues removing the original Delphix Connector please refer to these steps:

  • You can remove the DelphixConnector from Control Panel -> Program and Features.

 For DE versions below

  • In case you're unable to remove it, you can use Microsoft's "Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter" wizard ( to remove all records of the program installation. 
  • Once the troubleshooter is complete, retry the DelphixConnector installation (as if it is a new installation).
  • If there is still an issue with removal after using this tool:
    • Restart the Windows host.
    • Delete the DelphixConnectorInstaller.msi file that you have previously downloaded.
    • Download the DelphixConnectorInstaller.msi package again to a different location on the Windows host.
    • Attempt the installation from the newly downloaded copy.

For DE versions and onwards:

  • In case the DelphixConnector service is still showing in the Windows Service Control but is not running and startup type is marked as Disabled then restart the windows host and try reinstalling the DelphixConnector.

Issues Installing the Delphix Connector

In some circumstances, processes such as anti-virus applications or internal Windows components may hold a lock on file handles and prevent installation or uninstallation of the Delphix Connector. In these cases, it may be necessary to restart the Windows host to proceed with installation.

In rare circumstances, the Windows Management Instrumentation Service (WMI) may cause Delphix Connector installation to fail with the following message:

Error 1001: Failed to change MSiSCI service start type to Automatic. Please ensure that the iSCSI Initiator Service is installed and retry the Delphix Connector installation. Error: System.Management.ManagementException: Out of memory at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(Management...)

To resolve this issue:

  1. Exit the installation 
  2. Open Services 
  3. Find and restart the WMI Service
  4. Retry the installation

The Delphix Connector Service Fails to Start

  • Open a command prompt (cmd) as administrator.
  • From the prompt run: netstat -noba | findstr "9100 java". If the connector is still running, the output should be similar to this:

    C:\Users\username>netstat -noba | findstr "9100 java"
      TCP               LISTENING       1928
      TCP    [::]:9100              [::]:0                 LISTENING       1928

    The final number on each line is the Process ID (PID) of the Delphix Connector process.

  • If there is a java process bound to port 9100 as shown above, but the Delphix Connector still fails to start, you can kill the Java process using the taskkill command:

    C:\Users\username>taskkill /PID 1928 /F
    SUCCESS: The process with PID 1928 has been terminated.

    Alternatively, you can use Task Manager or Process Explorer to identify and end the correct process/PID and end it from there.

  • Start the Delphix Connector service.

If the service still fails to start after performing the above steps, please attempt to reinstall the Delphix Connector. If issues persist, contact Delphix Support for assistance.

Installation of Third Party Software Results in Delphix Connect Service to Fail to Start

  • If third party software is installed on the Windows host running Delphix Connector and upon the reboot, Delphix Connector doesn't start up, don't waste time trying to figure out why the Delphix Connector service start fails.
  • At this point please uninstall the Software and revert the host back to the state it was in before the software deployment and then check if the Delphix Connector service starts.
  • If it doesn't start check the steps in the section "The Delphix Connector service fails to start".
  • If the service still doesn't start please open Support case with Delphix for further investigation.