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ASE Snapsync Fails Due to Hung LOAD TRANSACTION (KBA1737)




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During ASE SnapSync failure occurs throwing a message on the action:

Unmount SQLException: 938: Database 'dxvd7PnmeMQ9trf3dno_sdafdrpo' is unavailable.  It is undergoing LOAD TRANSACTION.
Drop SQLException: 938: Database 'dxvd7PnmeMQ9trf3dno_sdafdrpo' is unavailable.  It is undergoing LOAD TRANSACTION.
Retry Exception: 938: Database 'dxvd7PnmeMQ9trf3dno_sdafdrpo' is unavailable.  It is undergoing LOAD TRANSACTION.

The consequence is subsequent SnapSync attempts will keep failing on this situation.


The failure occurs because the staging database used by the ASE dSource is undergoing this LOAD TRANSACTION activity, implying there is an ingestion still happening. Check to make sure there isn't some SnapSync already happening, and if not, then suspect that there is a hung LOAD TRANSACTION on the ASE staging instance.

You can confirm this by running the sp_who command and check the output on the staging database name.

Example output from the sp_who command:

  0             28         sleeping               delphix_user       delphix_user       x0008mn0v                0                dx8nb417vz6MsaryfHx_staging             tempdb                LOAD TRANSACTION      

If this is sleeping, it appears to be a hung LOAD TRANSACTION.


The sa user can try to kill the spid with the LOAD TRANSACTION

Alternatively, a restart of the ASE staging instance should free this spid.

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