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Data Control Tower Data Collection and Basic Checks (KBA9243)




KBA# 9243



This article is intended to provide instructions regarding initial data collection methods for Data Control Tower (on-premises).   

This document does not apply to DCT SaaS, which is EOL as of May 2023


Applicable Delphix Versions

Click here to view the versions of the Delphix engine to which this article applies
Major Release All Sub Releases

Container States

DCT deploys multiple Containers for various micro services, rather than a single monolithic process.  These service states can be validated to check uptime, restarts, etc.


The Container states can be checked with docker ps or docker container ls (docker ps is an alias to docker container ls).

~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                   NAMES
eb8621bea375   delphix-dct-proxy:6.0.0            "/sbin/tini -- /boot…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days>8443/tcp   60-proxy-1
fe852a37ec3a   delphix-dct-app:6.0.0              "java -jar /opt/delp…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-gateway-1
872c71f6f6b9   delphix-dct-data-bookmarks:6.0.0   "/sbin/tini -- sh bo…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-data-bookmarks-1
a351dbe54dab   delphix-dct-data-library:6.0.0     "/sbin/tini -- sh bo…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-data-library-1
5b405d5db627   delphix-dct-ui:6.0.0               "node ./index.js"        5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-ui-1
131b99508cb7   delphix-dct-virtualization:6.0.0   "/sbin/tini -- sh bo…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-virtualization-1
ffd7622742b1   delphix-dct-jobs:6.0.0             "/sbin/tini -- sh bo…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-jobs-1
9f7ba417a935   delphix-dct-postgres:6.0.0         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days   5432/tcp                60-database-1
334bbf9baf6a   delphix-dct-graphql:6.0.0          "./tools/"   5 days ago   Up 5 days                           60-graphql-1

The Container states can be checked with kubectl get pods. An additional namespace limiter (-n dct-services) can be used if multiple services are deployed in your Kubernetes configuration.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
graphql-6bc6495c6d-smjrf         1/1     Running     0              2d5h
proxy-d8dfc97d7-kvsd9            1/1     Running     0              2d5h
ui-b4466744d-z45n8               1/1     Running     0              2d5h
virtualization-c98fb69d-gmmcz    1/1     Running     0              2d5h
database-6bb6d55f46-zgbvr        1/1     Running     0              2d5h
data-library-7dbf5895ff-5vj4n    1/1     Running     3 (2d5h ago)   2d5h
gateway-555d6db45-hvftn          1/1     Running     0              2d5h
jobs-5cd774f7bb-d72n5            1/1     Running     2 (2d5h ago)   2d5h
data-bookmarks-899f457c6-jzhq8   1/1     Running     3 (2d5h ago)   2d5h
job-cleaner-28013240-cpxmh       0/1     Completed   0              2m44s


Container limits may be applied as a result of standard business practices, but this can obviously restrict the resources for the application, and may cause issues (OOM, or inter-process timeouts due to insufficient CPU resources). 

Container/pod memory limits are measured in bytes.  This may be defined with a plain integer or fixed point number with quantity suffixes (M, G, etc), or may be in powers-of-two equivalents (Mi, Gi, etc).  



The casing of the suffix can be set incorrectly; indicate millibytes rather than megabytes (M).

Container/pod CPU limits are measured in CPU units.  These units are typically millicpu (m); 200m would indicate 200 miillicpu, or .2 CPU


Docker container limits and current runtime usage can be checked in the docker stats subcommandThe --no-stream option will provide momentary output. Removing this option will continuously output statistics for the containers.

~$ docker stats --no-stream
CONTAINER ID   NAME                   CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O         PIDS
613cba263f0d   501_proxy_1            0.01%     17.56MiB / 7.674GiB   0.22%     10.7MB / 10.9MB   5.85MB / 4.1kB    4
cda3c22a5bce   501_gateway_1          0.25%     522MiB / 7.674GiB     6.64%     336MB / 201MB     98.7MB / 134MB    79
d60b5a472dd0   501_virtualization_1   0.05%     146.8MiB / 7.674GiB   1.87%     63.7kB / 0B       31.2MB / 7.77MB   71
da18b7e07c97   501_jobs_1             0.04%     280.7MiB / 7.674GiB   3.57%     81MB / 76.2MB     34.8MB / 19.5MB   9
c198d0b89846   501_data-library_1     0.06%     226.8MiB / 7.674GiB   2.89%     130MB / 131MB     45.6MB / 12.4MB   205
26241420ce88   501_data-bookmarks_1   0.05%     190.2MiB / 7.674GiB   2.42%     66.9kB / 2.51kB   54.5MB / 10.8MB   93
7e5cc09e0f69   501_ui_1               0.00%     46.01MiB / 7.674GiB   0.59%     111kB / 10.3MB    45.8MB / 0B       11
1ecd346359df   501_graphql_1          0.02%     167.6MiB / 7.674GiB   2.13%     67.5kB / 31.8kB   56.4MB / 336kB    23
e96762cd9109   501_database_1         0.02%     71.87MiB / 7.674GiB   0.91%     301MB / 262MB     35.2MB / 1.39GB   22

A given container configuration can also be queried with the docker inspect command; this provides a lot of detail, so you will usually want to pare this down.

$ docker inspect 3e5fb0cc86a1
        "Id": "3e5fb0cc86a1d34132ac1ae086ac27c14bc66c77ffd04d85d6ff40289061df0b",
        "Created": "2023-06-22T20:09:49.079775364Z",
        "Path": "java",
        "Args": [
        "State": {
            "Status": "running",
            "Running": true,
            "Paused": false,
            "Restarting": false,
            "OOMKilled": false,
            "Dead": false,
            "Pid": 15523,
            "ExitCode": 0,
            "Error": "",
            "StartedAt": "2023-06-22T20:09:51.313067194Z",
            "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Kubernetes pod limits can be queried using the kubectl describe limits subcommand, or (similar to docker stats) by reviewing output of kubectl describe PodMetrics, which shows details of pod creation as well as current resource utilization.

Example taken from an external source:

$ kubectl describe limits mylimits --namespace=limit-example 
Name:   mylimits 
Namespace:  limit-example 
Type        Resource      Min      Max      Default Request      Default Limit      Max Limit/Request Ratio 
----        --------      ---      ---      ---------------      -------------      ----------------------- 
Pod         cpu           200m     2        -                    -                  - 
Pod         memory        6Mi      1Gi      -                    -                  - 
Container   cpu           100m     2        200m                 300m               - 
Container   memory        3Mi      1Gi      100Mi                200Mi              -

The pod configuration can also be provided by the admin, or collected via kubectl get pod and output to yaml format for review.

$ kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml

Additionally, the node details can be reviewed to determine the resources configured for the node, as well as the limits and utilization for all pods, with kubectl describe node. This command can be useful if pods are in a Pending state and no log information is provided from a DCT pod.

$ kubectl describe node
Name:               kubernetes1
Roles:              <none>
Annotations: 0
CreationTimestamp:  Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:31:59 +0000
Taints:             <none>
Unschedulable:      false
  HolderIdentity:  kubernetes1
  AcquireTime:     <unset>
  RenewTime:       Fri, 05 May 2023 22:19:05 +0000
  Type                 Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message
  ----                 ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------
  NetworkUnavailable   False   Sun, 30 Apr 2023 04:10:07 +0000   Sun, 30 Apr 2023 04:10:07 +0000   CalicoIsUp                   Calico is running on this node
  MemoryPressure       False   Fri, 05 May 2023 22:16:15 +0000   Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:31:59 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientMemory   kubelet has sufficient memory available
  DiskPressure         False   Fri, 05 May 2023 22:16:15 +0000   Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:31:59 +0000   KubeletHasNoDiskPressure     kubelet has no disk pressure
  PIDPressure          False   Fri, 05 May 2023 22:16:15 +0000   Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:31:59 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientPID      kubelet has sufficient PID available
  Ready                True    Fri, 05 May 2023 22:16:15 +0000   Sun, 30 Apr 2023 04:09:10 +0000   KubeletReady                 kubelet is posting ready status. AppArmor enabled
  Hostname:    kubernetes1
  cpu:                8
  ephemeral-storage:  31811408Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  memory:             32875072Ki
  pods:               110
  cpu:                8
  ephemeral-storage:  30762832Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  memory:             32772672Ki
  pods:               110
System Info:
  Machine ID:                 2a2de0787ae44340892444a4710c62a1
  System UUID:                149a3842-674b-ef70-4305-7c56b64e7bde
  Boot ID:                    1c51be01-37b7-4b58-a5a0-96ce14e74025
  Kernel Version:             5.15.0-60-generic
  OS Image:                   Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
  Operating System:           linux
  Architecture:               amd64
  Container Runtime Version:  containerd://1.6.15
  Kubelet Version:            v1.26.4
  Kube-Proxy Version:         v1.26.4
Non-terminated Pods:          (17 in total)
  Namespace                   Name                                         CPU Requests  CPU Limits  Memory Requests  Memory Limits  Age
  ---------                   ----                                         ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  ---
  kube-system                 kubernetes-dashboard-dc96f9fc-9qjlw          0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         100d
  kube-system                 dashboard-metrics-scraper-7bc864c59-dskkw    0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         100d
  local-path-storage          local-path-provisioner-8bc8875b-jfhzm        0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         100d
  dct-services                graphql-6bc6495c6d-smjrf                     100m (1%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                proxy-d8dfc97d7-kvsd9                        100m (1%)     0 (0%)      128Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                ui-b4466744d-z45n8                           100m (1%)     0 (0%)      128Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                virtualization-c98fb69d-gmmcz                100m (1%)     0 (0%)      128Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                database-6bb6d55f46-zgbvr                    200m (2%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                data-library-7dbf5895ff-5vj4n                100m (1%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                gateway-555d6db45-hvftn                      1 (12%)       0 (0%)      512Mi (1%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                jobs-5cd774f7bb-d72n5                        200m (2%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  dct-services                data-bookmarks-899f457c6-jzhq8               100m (1%)     0 (0%)      256Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         31d
  ingress                     nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller-wdmjv      0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         94d
  kube-system                 coredns-6f5f9b5d74-7dt5q                     100m (1%)     0 (0%)      70Mi (0%)        170Mi (0%)     100d
  kube-system                 metrics-server-6f754f88d-qqgfj               100m (1%)     0 (0%)      200Mi (0%)       0 (0%)         100d
  kube-system                 calico-node-bh558                            250m (3%)     0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         5d18h
  kube-system                 calico-kube-controllers-5dc5f99874-x6wtg     0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         5d18h
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource           Requests     Limits
  --------           --------     ------
  cpu                2450m (30%)  0 (0%)
  memory             2446Mi (7%)  170Mi (0%)
  ephemeral-storage  0 (0%)       0 (0%)
  hugepages-1Gi      0 (0%)       0 (0%)
  hugepages-2Mi      0 (0%)       0 (0%)
Events:              <none>


Logs - Manual Collection

This section assumes local logging is implemented. Although this is the default, many installations will redirect logs to a central location, so the admin will often need to locate the container logs.


Logs for a given container can be obtained using the docker logs command.  For ease of review, it may be desirable to limit the output by adding a limiter to restrict the history using --since argument.

To collect logs from all containers, we can execute a simple for loop to collect logs from each container. An example is provided below to collect the last 48 hours of logs from each container, but there are many methods to achieve the same.

$ for i in `docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'`; do docker logs --since 48h $i > $i.log; done

And the resulting output generated:

$ ls -ltrh
total 31M
drwxrwxr-x 3 delphix delphix 4.0K Jun  1 16:36 dct
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix    0 Jun  4 15:04 dct_proxy_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix  21M Jun  4 15:04 dct_gateway_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 5.4M Jun  4 15:04 dct_data-library_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix    0 Jun  4 15:04 dct_virtualization_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix    0 Jun  4 15:04 dct_data-bookmarks_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 4.9M Jun  4 15:04 dct_jobs_1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix    0 Jun  4 15:04 dct_database_1.log

docker-compose logs method is also available to generate logs from all containers:

$ docker-compose -f </path/to/docker-compose.yaml> logs

Logs for a given container can be obtained using the kubectl logs command. For ease of review, it may be desirable to limit the output by adding a limiter to restrict the history using --since argument.

To collect logs from all containers, we can execute a simple for loop to collect logs from each container. An example is provided below to collect the last 48 hours of logs from each container, but there are many methods to achieve the same.

$ for i in `kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -n dct-services`; do kubectl logs --since=1h -n dct-services $i > $i.log; done

And the resulting output generated:

$ ls -l
total 21836
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix       0 Jun 22 14:41 database-6ccb99cdd6-4djjk.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix    1161 Jun 22 14:41 data-bookmarks-5976b489d5-clkp8.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 2578343 Jun 22 14:41 data-library-c696bcd5b-lsvkn.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 2167180 Jun 22 14:41 gateway-88bd8f54b-4xmkt.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix       0 Jun 22 14:41 graphql-57c6d78b6b-tckf6.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix      31 Jun 22 14:41 job-cleaner-28651120-w7bks.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 1640007 Jun 22 14:41 jobs-6c6bdb979f-n45zj.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 7733276 Jun 22 14:41 masking-f8874846d-l97qs.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix       0 Jun 22 14:41 proxy-7bbff66f64-fxwsn.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix       0 Jun 22 14:41 ui-57d7b6854d-lpsnb.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix       0 Jun 22 14:41 virtualization-5b4c8cdbb7-6b5g5.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 delphix delphix 8210474 Jun 22 14:41 virtualization-app-668957dfcb-gc2fn.log

Note, in these examples there may be remnants of previous pods from prior versions, or pods that have been evicted.  Example:

$ kubectl get pods -n dct-services
NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-th25z   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-vk4zm   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-r686k   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-2krbb   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-d49sp   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-zzzd2   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
virtualization-app-7cf99c78bb-gmwsl   0/1     Evicted     0             93d
graphql-57c6d78b6b-tckf6              1/1     Running     0             22d
proxy-7bbff66f64-fxwsn                1/1     Running     0             22d
virtualization-5b4c8cdbb7-6b5g5       1/1     Running     0             22d
ui-57d7b6854d-lpsnb                   1/1     Running     0             22d
database-6ccb99cdd6-4djjk             1/1     Running     0             22d
gateway-88bd8f54b-4xmkt               1/1     Running     0             22d
jobs-6c6bdb979f-n45zj                 1/1     Running     2 (22d ago)   22d
data-library-c696bcd5b-lsvkn          1/1     Running     2 (22d ago)   22d
data-bookmarks-5976b489d5-clkp8       1/1     Running     2 (22d ago)   22d
masking-f8874846d-l97qs               1/1     Running     0             22d
virtualization-app-668957dfcb-gc2fn   1/1     Running     0             22d
job-cleaner-28651120-w7bks            0/1     Completed   0             6m6s

There is no harm in allowing the loop to iterate through those evicted pods, as it will not generate any output.

Scripted Data Collection via

This section assumes local logging is implemented. Although this is default, many installations will redirect logs to a central location, so the admin will often need to locate the container logs.

In conjunction with the 8.0 release, the first data collection script has been provided to automate some of the data collection steps provided in this document by programmatically gathering logs and other data from the DCT containers.

Delphix Download Page

As the script is not 'packaged' with the DCT distribution at this time, the download page can be used to get the latest version. 

Example execution (Docker installation requires -d option):

$ ./ -d
DCT support bundle collection started at Sat Jun 24 07:58:54 MDT 2023
Collecting logs from all DCT containers...
Collecting hprof file (if one exists)...
No hprof was found...
Collecting Java thread dump...
Collecting Java heap summary...
Collecting container CPU and memory usage statistics...
Generating DCT support bundle tar file...
a support
a support/container_stats
a support/logs
a support/inspectheap
a support/threaddump
a support/logs/80-ui-1.log
a support/logs/80-graphql-1.log
a support/logs/80-data-library-1.log
a support/logs/80-virtualization-1.log
a support/logs/80-database-1.log
a support/logs/80-jobs-1.log
a support/logs/80-gateway-1.log
a support/logs/80-proxy-1.log
a support/logs/80-data-bookmarks-1.log
Deleting generated support directory...
Generated support directory deleted.
DCT support bundle collection completed at  Sat Jun 24 07:59:00 MDT 2023

Expected content:

$ tar tvf dct-support-20230624-07-59-00.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x  0 user staff       0 Jun 24 07:58 support/
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff    1177 Jun 24 07:59 support/container_stats
drwxr-xr-x  0 user staff       0 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff  791045 Jun 24 07:58 support/inspectheap
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   60870 Jun 24 07:58 support/threaddump
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff     234 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-ui-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff     674 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-graphql-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   39152 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-data-library-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   11000 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-virtualization-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff    4286 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-database-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   42831 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-jobs-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   60919 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-gateway-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff    4948 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-proxy-1.log
-rw-r--r--  0 user staff   21318 Jun 24 07:58 support/logs/80-data-bookmarks-1.log

Increasing Logging Level

At the direction of Delphix Support, it may be required to increase the logging level to add DEBUG or TRACE level data collection to the DCT containers output.  An unpublished API exists to alter the logging levels that can be accessed via cURL, Postman etc.

These changes can be applied immediately, no restart is required.

It is strongly recommended that this option only be used at the request of Support, as DEBUG and TRACE level logging can be quite chatty and quickly increase log sizes.

The following examples assume SSL connection; add -k option for insecure SSL if needed.

To check the current logging level, issue GET to DCT URL /actuator/loggers/com.delphix:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://<YOUR DCT HOSTNAME>/actuator/loggers/com.delphix' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: apk <YOUR API KEY>'

The expected response:


To alter the log level, setting to TRACE (note, a successful transaction may not return any output):

  curl --location 'https://<YOUR DCT HOSTNAME>/actuator/loggers/com.delphix' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: apk <YOUR API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"configuredLevel":"trace"}'

The previous GET can be issued to verify the change.

 curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://<YOUR DCT HOSTNAME>/actuator/loggers/com.delphix' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: apk <YOUR API KEY>'