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Requesting VMware ESXi logs (KBA1460)





VMware ESXi Logs

Delphix Support may ask for the VMware ESXi logs of the ESXi host which is hosting the Delphix Engine, to facilitate troubleshooting of issues such as a hung or unresponsive engine.

The logs can be extracted by one of the following methods:

Method 1

Use the vSphere client to export a host’s syslog.  In the vSphere Client, right-click on an ESXi host in the inventory pane.  Click Export System Logs

Note: you can optionally click on “Gather Performance Data”.  More detail on how to do this is in

Method 2

Alternatively, the /usr/bin/vm-support command can be used to collect diagnostic information (ESXi log files), as per, under “Running vm-support in a console session on ESXi/ESX hosts”.  This produces a gzipped tarball (.tgz file) locally on the host that can be copied off the host using a file transfer protocol, for example, FTP or SCP.

The following VMware KM note explains what data is collected by vm-support -  It might be prudent to avoid collecting core dump files during the host support bundle collection.

Note: For collection of crashdumps from hung or unresponsive engines, see the next section of this document "Getting A Crashdump from a Hung or Unresponsive Engine" below.

Method 3

VMware vSphere PowerCLI can be used to download a vm-support log bundle from VMware vSphere vCenter Server and/or ESX/ESXi hosts, or to view or search the individual log files stored on the host.  (VMware vSphere PowerCLI  can also be used to download a vc-support log bundle from VMware vSphere vCenter Server if this is also needed).

This VMware note provides information on how to do this:

This note explains what data is collected:

Getting A Crashdump from a Hung or Unresponsive Engine

You may be asked to generate a crash dump from an unresponsive engine (hung VM) before it is rebooted, in order to troubleshoot the cause.  This can be achieved by generating a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) or alternatively, generating a VMware snapshot.  Information on how to do these is provided in KBA1129 -