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Delphix Data Control Tower Automation APIs



Delphix Data Control Tower Automation APIs

The use of Automation APIs requires additional entitlements to the base Data Control Tower entitlements. Each successful API transaction is considered one API.

The table below lists all the Automation APIs for the current release. Please note API specifications may change with each Data Control Tower release.  See product documentation for instructions on how to view the count of automation APIs consumed over time.

API entitlements prior to May 8, 2023 can be found here.


Automation APIs
POST /cdbs/{cdbId}/enable
POST /dsources/{dsourceId}/enable
POST /environments/{environmentId}/enable
POST  /replication-profiles/{replicationProfileId}/execute
POST /vcdbs/{vcdbId}/enable
POST /vdbs/provision_from_bookmark
POST /vdbs/provision_by_snapshot
POST /vdbs/provision_by_location
POST /vdbs/provision_by_timestamp
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/refresh_by_location
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/rollback_by_snapshot
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/rollback_by_timestamp
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/rollback_from_bookmark
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/refresh_by_timestamp
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/refresh_by_snapshot
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/enable
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/refresh_from_bookmark
POST /vdbs/{vdbId}/start
POST /vdb-groups/provision_from_bookmark
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/rollback
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/refresh
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/refresh_by_snapshot
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/refresh_by_timestamp
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/enable
POST /vdb-groups/{vdbGroupId}/start
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