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TB102 Linux and UNIX Hosted Virtual Databases May Become Unresponsive and Crash




Alert Type



Rarely during certain virtual database (VDB) operations, all VDBs may become unresponsive and crash.  Affected operations include disable, refresh, and delete.

Contributing Factors

This article applies to the following versions of the Delphix Continuous Data engine (Virtualization):

Date Release
Mar 13, 2023
Feb 13, 2023
Jan 12, 2023

Any VDB using the Network Filesystem (NFS) version 3 protocol may be impacted. This includes any VDBs hosted on Linux or UNIX target environments. 

VDBs exclusively using NFS version 4 protocol are not impacted. 

The issue does not impact Microsoft SQL Server or other environments on Windows.

In order for the problem to occur, a system must have been upgraded to one of the affected releases enumerated above. An initial installation on any of the above releases that has not been upgraded is not impacted

The issue is more likely to occur on Delphix and may occur immediately following an upgrade. This is why the Delphix image is no longer available for download.


Affected VDBs will hang or crash. 

Target environments may experience errors like “NFS Server <> not responding” displayed in the system log or console.


In order to prevent this problem, use one of the following (in preference order):

  1. Upgrade to Delphix release

  2. If you have already upgraded to an affected release, perform a “delay the reboot”-type (or deferred) upgrade to Delphix to prevent the issue from occurring. 

  3. Disable and re-enable all VDBs.

  4. Set a global option to force NFS version 3 protocol (thereby eliminating the possibility of disable), as per the CLI example below:

demo-engine> service nfs
demo-engine service nfs> get
    type: NfsConfig
    mountVersion: AUTOMATIC
demo-engine service nfs> update
demo-engine service nfs update *> set mountVersion=NFSv3
demo-engine service nfs update *> commit
demo-engine service nfs> get
    type: NfsConfig
    mountVersion: NFSv3

Once the problem has occurred, the only remedy is to disable then re-enable all impacted VDBs.


This issue is resolved in the DevOps Data Platform and later releases for Continuous Data Engines.