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TB101 Inventory Page May Fail to Load on Continuous Compliance (formerly: Masking) Engines with Large Number of Columns




Alert Type

Functional Regression


An affected Continuous Compliance engine may be difficult or impossible to manage. If accessing or updating the Inventory tab is required for a masking workflow, then use of an affected Continuous Compliance engine could be degraded or blocked.  

Contributing Factors

This issue can only occur when running the following version of the Continuous Compliance engine:

Standard Release All Patch Releases None

The issue is only thought to occur when the total number of masked columns configured for masking on a Continuous Compliance engine is larger than 32767 columns.

Onset of the error will begin on affected Continuous Compliance engines shortly or immediately after upgrading to

Determining if the Continuous Compliance Engine May Be Impacted

Use the following steps to verify the current number of masked columns to help ensure not to exceed 32767 columns:

  1. Login into the Compliance Engine API client (KBA: Logging_into_and_Connecting_to_the_Masking_API_Client_(KBA5754) )
  2. Select the ColumnMetadata API call, switch the parameter is_masked to true and press Execute (the graphic of the page may differ depending on the current Compliance engine version):


3. Check that the returned “total” at the top of the response windows is not more than 32767 columns:



After trying to select the Inventory tab in the Continuous Compliance user interface, a pop-up dialog may occur with text similar to the following:

An exception has occurred, rerouting to environments page. Unable to rollback against JDBC Connection


One or more of the following workarounds is available:

  • Avoid upgrading Continuous Compliance Engines to the release
  • Reduce the number of masked columns on an affected Continuous Compliance Engine by removing one or more rulesets


The issue is resolved in DevOps Data Platform and later releases for Continuous Compliance Engines.