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How to Add SAP ASE Discovery to an Existing Environment (KBA1650)




This article describes a scenario where an Environment is originally registered to the Delphix Engine without Discover SAP ASE enabled. At a later time, SAP ASE is required but from the Delphix Engine UI there is no functionality to enable discovery/addition of a SAP ASE Environment to an existing Delphix Environment.


The Discover SAP ASE option can be enabled for an existing environment using the CLI. A user with the Delphix Admin permission (such as delphix_admin@DOMAIN) is required. The following example assumes there is an environment called foo with no SAP ASE discovery parameters defined. SAP ASE instances can be added by following the steps below.

  1. Log into the CLI
  2. Open the environment for editing

    Delphix5031HWv8> environment select "foo" update
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update *>
  3. Add SAP ASE related parameters for foo

    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update *> edit aseHostEnvironmentParameters
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters *> set dbUser=delphix
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters *> edit credentials
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters *> set credentials.type=xxxx
    Value must be one of: [ 'KerberosCredential', 'KeyPairCredential', 'PasswordCredential', 'SystemKeyCredential' ].
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters *> set credentials.type=PasswordCredential
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters credentials *> set password=delphix 
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters credentials *> 
  4. Commit the changes

    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' update aseHostEnvironmentParameters credentials *> commit
    Dispatched job JOB-245
    ENVIRONMENT_UPDATE job started for "foo".
    ENVIRONMENT_UPDATE job for "foo" completed successfully.
  5. Finally, Refresh the Environment via the CLI or UI to detect running ASE instances. A CLI Environment refresh can be performed as follows:

    Delphix5031HWv8> environment select "foo" refresh
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' refresh *> commit
    Dispatched job JOB-246
    ENVIRONMENT_REFRESH_AND_DISCOVER job started for "foo".
    Delphix5031HWv8 environment 'foo' refresh *> ENVIRONMENT_REFRESH_AND_DISCOVER job for "foo" completed successfully.