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Self-Service Capacity (KBA1548)






Self-Service Data Templates are comprised of dSources, VDBs, and vFiles. These data sources are controlled by the policies configured in the Admin App of the Delphix Engine. Retention policies, just like customer are used to for existing dSources/VDBs/vFiles, free up space over time. As retention frees up the space, users will no longer be able to use those points in time to restore or branch. In Jet Stream, when a bookmark is created on the Data Template or Data Container timeline, the retention policy will not be able to remove the data that is referenced by that bookmark.

Self-Service Data Containers are comprised of VDBs provisioned from the sources defined in the Data Template. Similar to VDBs in the existing Admin App, these VDBs will share blocks with the source they are provisioned from (preventing the referenced data on the source from being removed by the retention policy). Retention for these VDBs is controlled by the standard Delphix retention policies. In addition, Self-Service will ensure that the latest data on each Self-Service branch is never removed.

In the “Capacity” pages of the Data Templates and Data Containers, there is information that can help you understand how storage is being used and how to free up that space (and how much you are able to free up). There is also information that shows how much space is being referenced by other entities, and in some cases, what those entities are. 

In its current form, we are displaying the raw capacity data in tables. Please see the FAQs here to provide a guide for how to interpret those numbers and get common questions answered quickly.

Where is the Capacity information located? 

The capacity information can be found in the Template details page for Data Templates and the Data Management page for the Data Containers.

  • Data Template Capacity Page 
  • Data Container Capacity Page 

Field Descriptions Details


  • Containers: The amount of space referenced by data containers that were provisioned from this data template. This is the space that will be freed up if all of those data containers were to be deleted or purged.

  • Bookmarks: The amount of space consumed by the bookmarks on this data template. This is the space that will be freed up if all bookmarks on the template were to be deleted. *This presumes that all of child data containers are deleted or purged first.

  • Unvirtualized: The amount of space that would be consumed by the data in this template (and child data containers) without Delphix.


  • Unique: The space that is being used only by this data container. This excludes space that is being referenced by sibling data containers or the space that is referenced on the parent data template. This is also the amount of space that will be freed up when this data container is deleted or purged.
  • Referenced By Self: The amount of space that cannot be freed on the parent data template or sibling data containers because it is being referenced by this data container.
  • Referenced By Siblings: The amount of space that cannot be freed on this data container because it is being referenced by sibling data containers.
  • Unvirtualized: The amount of space that would be consumed by the data in this container without Delphix.


  • Unique: The space that is being used only by this branch. This excludes space that is being shared with sibling data containers (because of shared bookmarks) or the space that is referenced on the parent data template by this branch. This is also the amount of space that will be freed up if this branch is deleted.
  • Referenced By Self: The amount of space that cannot be freed on the parent data template or sibling data containers because it is being referenced by this branch.
  • Referenced By Siblings: The amount of space that cannot be freed up on this branch because it is being referenced by sibling data containers.


  • Unique: The space that is being used only by this bookmark. This excludes space that is shared by sibling data containers (because they have restored from this bookmark) or neighboring bookmarks (near this bookmark’s dataTime). This is also the amount of space that will be freed if this bookmark is deleted.
  • Referenced By Bookmarks: The amount of space referenced by this bookmark that cannot be freed up by deleting this bookmark because it is being used by neighboring bookmarks on the same data layout (data template or data container).
  • Referencing Bookmarks: The names of the bookmarks on the same data layout that are sharing space with this bookmark.
  • Referenced By Branches: The amount of space referenced by this bookmark that cannot be freed up by deleting this bookmark because it is also referenced by branches that have been created or restored from this bookmark.
  • Referencing Branches: The names of the branches that were created or restored from this bookmark.
  • Referenced Externally: The amount of space referenced by this bookmark that cannot be freed up by deleting this bookmark because it is referenced outside of Self-Service (e.g. by the retention policy).