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Unable to Send Test Email on Delphix Reporting (formerly known as Mission Control) Due to Internal Server Error (KBA1770)




Applicable Delphix Versions


Major Release

All Sub Releases

2.0 2.0


Trying to send a test email on Delphix reporting produce error: Failed to send email: internal server error.


SMTP server may offer optional encryption and the SMTP client in Delphix reporting is trying to validate the certificate from the server.

In webapp.log (contained in the Delphix reporting support bundle), you may receive one of the following errors:

  • Error: unable to verify the first certificate
  • Error: self signed certificate


There are two possible solutions:

1) Import the CA certificate(s) of your organization in order to validate the server's certificate:

  • Upload the CA certificate to the Delphix reporting VM via SCP/WinSCP:
    scp ca.crt root@<your-vm>:/opt/delphix
    The file should consist of one or more trusted certificates in PEM format.
  • SSH as root into the Delphix reporting VM and update the following script:
    Open /etc/init.d/delphix-webapp via vi and insert the following parameter just under the line export ROOT_URL=http://localhost export PORT=8080:
    export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/opt/delphix/ca.crt
  • Restart delphix-webapp
    # service delphix-webapp restart

2) Disable TLS certificate check:

  • SSH as root into the Delphix reporting VM and update the following script:
    Open /etc/init.d/delphix-webapp via vi and insert the following parameter just under the line export ROOT_URL=http://localhost export PORT=8080:
  • Restart delphix-webapp
    # service delphix-webapp restart