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Delphix Reporting (Formerly Mission Control) Web Service API Guide (KBA1734)




Applicable Delphix Reporting (Formerly Mission Control) Versions


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Delphix Reporting (formerly Mission Control) provides a limited set of functionality that can be accessed programmatically using a simple web services API. This document will provide examples of utilizing this feature.

Logging In

curl --data "password=delphix&user=delphix_admin" http://<dr-hostname>/api/login

Sample Output

 "loginToken": "xvBh_0PoOhruJzzUQjz5vm2T2HiKRf8Qo1KOkcOQSxu",
 "userId": "ZemvLNeyvvQxHdzPu",
 "success": true

Listing Delphix Engines

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/list_engines"

Sample Output

   "_id": ""
   "_id": ""
   "_id": ""

Adding a Delphix Engine

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/add_engine?hostname=<de-hostname>&user=<de-user>&password=<de-password>"

Removing a Delphix Engine

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/remove_engine?hostname=<de-hostname>"

Listing Reports

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/list_reports"

Sample Output

   "_id": "result_active_faults",
   "name": "Active Faults",
   "script": "active-faults.js"
   "_id": "result_audit",
   "name": "Audit log",
   "script": "audit.js"

Fetching Report Data

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/get_report?report=<reportId>

Sample Output (for reportId "result_storage_summary")

   "_id": "",
   "_delphixEngineId": "",
   "storageTotal": 24769462272,
   "storageUsed": 2684644352,
   "vdbCount": 6,
   "dsourceCount": 2,
   "totalObjects": 8,
   "storageFree": 22084817920,
   "storageUsedPct": 10.838524964810347,
   "storageSaved": 45968896,
   "tag": [
   "_id": "",
   "_delphixEngineId": "",
   "storageTotal": 24769462272,
   "storageUsed": 2147765760,
   "vdbCount": 0,
   "dsourceCount": 2,
   "totalObjects": 2,
   "storageFree": 22621696512,
   "storageUsedPct": 8.67102295728029,
   "storageSaved": 0,
   "tag": ""

Logging Out

curl -H "X-Login-Token: <loginToken>" -H "X-User-Id: <userId>" "http://<dr-hostname>/api/logout”


Additional Information

The information provided in this document is not intended to be comprehensive, and assistance for writing custom scripts utilizing the API is not provided by Delphix Support.

If assistance is required in utilizing this simple web service API, Delphix Technical Services should be engaged.