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KBA1154 Managing Java on Remote Environments




When a remote Environment (source, staging, or target) is added to the Delphix Engine, a series of scripts and executable binaries is copied to the Environment. These scripts and binaries are collectively referred to as the Delphix toolkit. The exact contents of this toolkit will vary depending on a number of factors including the installed operating system, the CPU architecture, etc.

One notable portion of the Delphix toolkit is the Java Development Kit (JDK). The JDK is used when the Delphix Engine needs to execute custom JARs implementing linking, provisioning and monitoring processes. The JDK copied as part of the Delphix toolkit has been certified for usage with Delphix's custom JARs. Delphix has seen problems using non-certified versions of the JDK (older or newer than the Delphix toolkit version), so Environments must permit the usage of the JDK copied with the Delphix toolkit.

The rest of this article will outline how the JDK is managed on remote environments added to the Delphix Engine.

JDK Installation

The Delphix Engine will decide which version of the JDK is copied to the remote environment based on a number of factors including the installed operating system, the CPU architecture, etc.

As of Delphix Engine 5.1, the major version of Java copied to each environment is shown below. The exact release version will vary, depending on the minor release of the Delphix Engine.


RedHat Linux, Oracle Enterprise Linux

The Delphix Engine will copy 64-bit "Java SE Development Kit 8" to Environments running Enterprise Linux 5.5 and above.

The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 6" to Environments running any version of Linux prior to Enterprise Linux 5.5.

SUSE Linux Enterprise

The Delphix Engine will copy 64-bit "Java SE Development Kit 8" to Environments running SUSE 10 SP2 and above.

The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 6" to Environments running any version of SUSE prior to SUSE 10 SP2.


The Delphix Engine will copy 64-bit "Java SE Development Kit 8" to Environments running Solaris 10U9 and above.

The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 6" to Environments running any version of Solaris prior to Solaris 10U9.

Note that the actual JDK copied will differ depending on whether the Environment runs a SPARC or x86 architecture.


The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 8" to AIX 6 and AIX 7 Environments.

The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 6" to AIX 5 Environments.


The Delphix Engine will copy "Java SE Development Kit 8" to HP-UX 11.31 Environments. (The HP-UX JDK contains both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.)

The Delphix Engine will copy 32-bit "Java SE Development Kit 6" to HP-UX 11.23 Environments.


For all Window Environments with the Delphix Connector installed, the Delphix Engine will copy 64-bit "Java SE Development Kit 8" to the Environments. Specifically, this set of Environments includes the follow operating systems: 

  • Windows 2003 SP1/SP2/R2
  • Windows 2008
  • Windows 2008 R2
  • Windows 2012
  • Windows 2012 R2

JDK Upgrade

In future releases of the Delphix Engine, newer versions of the JDK will be copied to Environments that support newer versions of Java. Upgrading a Delphix Engine will upgrade the version of Java installed on all Environments currently added to the Delphix Engine. Delphix does not support upgrading the JDK by any other means.

JDK Uninstallation

Deleting an Environment from the Delphix Engine will uninstall the JDK copied to the environment.

The JDKs copied from the Delphix Engine were originally distributed from the following sources.

Linux, Solaris, Windows

Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads (Oracle)