After upgrading Solaris environment, virtual databases (VDBs) may no longer start, and the following error is returned:
Unable to mount directory "/mnt/provision/Vs10_536". Cause: Unable to mount directory.
Solaris 11 changed the default shell linked in "/bin/sh" from Bourne Shell "sh" to Korn Shell "ksh93". Details about the change are documented in the User Environment Feature Changes chapter of Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11 manual.
Many of the scripts generated by the Delphix Engine, including the those used for mounting remote directories, are not compatible with the Korn Shell. When a host is linked against the Delphix Engine it will record which shell to use. For Solaris 10 hosts it will use "/bin/sh" and for Solaris 11 hosts it will use "/usr/sunos/bin/sh". When the host is upgraded from Solaris 10 to Solaris 11 the internal recording of which host to use is not updated from "/bin/sh" to "/usr/sunos/bin/sh" as it needs to be.
Note, this issue is ONLY applies to engines running and below.
There are several workarounds to this issue
On the target host "/bin/sh" can be relinked from ksh93 to /usr/sunos/bin/sh. This will change the default shell back to Bourne Shell.
# cd /bin
# rm sh
# ln -s /usr/sunos/bin/sh sh
The host can be removed and re-added. This will cause the host to be discovered correctly as a Solaris 11 host, with the correct shell setting.
A support case be raised requesting the host shell setting on the Delphix Engine to be updated to the correct value. This setting cannot be changed via the GUI or CLI.