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Resolving Error "FILESTREAM Feature is Disabled" During MSSQL Snapshot (KBA1029)





Troubleshooting FILESTREAM Feature is Disabled Error

When performing a Snapshot operation for an SQL Server dSource, the following Fault may be generated:

["Database","MSSQLSERVER","HOSTNAME","WindowsAD\\Target_USER","Changed database context to 'master'.\nMsg 5591, Level 16, State 4, Server HOSTNAME\\MSSQLSERVER, Line 1\nFILESTREAM feature is disabled.\nMsg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server HOSTNAME\\MSSQLSERVER, Line 1\nRESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.\nMsg 50000, Level 11, State 127, Server HOSTNAME\\MSSQLSERVER, Line 3\nerror_restore_database\ndie : Error: restore_staging_database_failed\nAt C:\\Delphix\\DelphixConnector\\999999-9999-9999-9999-9999999999-staging-99\\\nSCRIPT\\RestoreStagingDB.ps1:23 char:12\n+         die <<<<  \"$($args[0])\"\n    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorExcep \n   tion\n    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorExceptio \n   n,die\n \n"]
message_details        | For dSource "Database", failed to restore a source database backup.
message_action         | Make sure that the SQL Server instance "MSSQLSERVER" on the staging host "HOSTNAME" is up, the user "WindowsAD\Target_USER" has privileges to restore a database on the host, the host has enough resources, and then try the operation again.
message_command_output | Changed database context to 'master'.
                       | Msg 5591, Level 16, State 4, Server HOSTNAME\MSSQLSERVER, Line 1
                       | FILESTREAM feature is disabled.
                       | Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server HOSTNAME\MSSQLSERVER, Line 1
                       | RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
                       | Msg 50000, Level 11, State 127, Server HOSTNAME\MSSQLSERVER, Line 3
                       | error_restore_database
                       | die : Error: restore_staging_database_failed
                       | At C:\\Delphix\\DelphixConnector\\999999-9999-9999-9999-9999999999-staging-99\\\nSCRIPT\\RestoreStagingDB.ps1:23 char:12


This may occur in the following circumstances:

  • A Snapshot operation is performed automatically by the Validated Sync process, after Delphix discovers that a new backup has been taken on the dSource
  • A manual Snapshot is initiated using the Snapshot button clipboard_e008dedd069eb2a86423e8a652a81c320.png
    • When "Delphix will take a copy-only full backup" is selected;
    • When "Use the most recent full or differential backup" is selected; or
    • When "Use a specific full or differential backups" is selected.


The key part of the error message is:

FILESTREAM feature is disabled

SQL Server will not allow the database to be restored to the nominated Staging server until the FILESTREAM feature has be enabled. This must be done within SQL Server Configuration Manager as well as the database Engine itself. 


All that is needed to resolve this is to enable the FILESTREAM feature on the Staging SQL Server instance. The name of this instance should be visible in the error that you receive.

This can be done by following the "Enable and Configure FILESTREAM" instructions from Microsoft's SQL Server documentation.