Reporting on Delphix Engine Capacity Utilization (KBA1699)
KBA# 1699Storage Utilization Information
The Delphix engine provides a detailed accounting of capacity utilization, including a breakdown by snapshot, as part of the Storage Capacity screen.
In some cases, you may wish to capture this information for reporting purposes. This article discusses the available mechanisms for collecting storage utilization information from the Delphix engine.
Functions Provided by the Delphix Engine
There are a number of methods for accessing storage utilization information directly from the Delphix Engine
Storage Capacity Screen
The Delphix Storage Capacity screen will show the storage utilized by each dSource and virtual database (VDB). Each object can be expanded further to get a breakdown of the space used and to show any dependent VDBs provisioned from it. Space usage can be displayed for each snapshot and for any data replicated from another Delphix engine. The Storage Capacity page also details any space that is held as a result of dependencies from other objects, along with steps that can be taken to release it.
The Storage Management screen on Delphix version 5.1.x also provides a "Graph View" which shows how utilization has changed over time. This facility is no longer available in the GUI from version 5.2. However, historical capacity data is available via the CLI or API.
Overview dataset size data can be downloaded via the Storage Capacity screen as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file for reporting purposes. More detailed data is available via the CLI or API.
For more information on the Storage Capacity Screen, please refer to our document Using and Understanding The Storage Capacity Screen.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The CLI offers a breakdown of usage by container (dSource/VDB). For more information on the CLI, please see our Command Line Interface Guide.
The /capacity/consumer
object provides a breakdown of the size of each container and the amount of space used by its snapshots (syncSpace) and logs (logSpace):
yourdelphixengine> /capacity/consumer
yourdelphixengine capacity consumer> list display=groupName,container,breakdown.actualSpace,breakdown.syncSpace,breakdown.logSpace,breakdown.descendantSpace,parent
Untitled Paxos 1.99MB 50KB 376KB 1KB -
Untitled VPaxos_945 1.13MB 65.50KB 376KB 0B Paxos
Untitled VPaxos_C1E 1.13MB 63.50KB 376KB 0B Paxos
Untitled VPaxos_2CA 1.19MB 104KB 376KB 0B Paxos
The columns available via the 'display' parameter are detailed in the table below. Each capacity value name should be preceded by 'breakdown.' in the 'display' parameter, for example breakdown.actualSpace.
Capacity Value | Description |
actualSpace | The actual (compressed) storage space used by this container. |
activeSpace | The amount of space used by the active copy of the database. |
logSpace | The amount of space used by database log files. |
syncSpace | The amount of space used by snapshots of this container. |
descendantSpace | The amount of space used by snapshots of this container, from which VDBs have been provisioned, i.e. the amount of snapshot space pinned by child VDBs. |
policySpace | The amount of space used by snapshots that are held by policy settings such as retention, excluding any space already counted within descendantSpace. |
manualSpace | The amount of space used by snapshots that are held by manual retention settings, excluding descendantSpace and policySpace. |
ingestedSize | The amount of space used by data ingested by a dSource. |
unownedSnapshotSpace | The amount of (held) space used by unowned snapshots. |
unvirtualizedSpace | The amount of uncompressed space that would be used for the container if it were outside of Delphix. |
timeflowUnvirtualizedSpace | The amount of uncompressed space that would be used for the container's snapshots, logs and temp files. |
The CLI can also be used to access historical information. This is described in the document Reviewing Historical Capacity from the CLI.
For more information on the available Capacity properties, you can access API documentation directly from your Delphix Engine at http://yourdelphixengine/api/#CapacityBreakdown.
Web Service API
The information from the CLI is also available using our Web Service API.
For more information on our Web Service APIs, please consult our Web Service API Guide. Documentation on the Consumer API is available from your Delphix Engine at http://yourdelphixengine/api/#consumer.
Splunk Integration
The Delphix engine can be configured to forward data, including capacity data, to a Splunk server via the integrated Splunk support.
Other Reporting Options
There are two other options for gathering this information which do not directly involve the Delphix Engine. These may have support and licensing implications, and are best discussed with your Delphix Customer Success Manager.
Delphix Toolkit (dxToolkit)
The dxToolkit offers command line tools to manage a Delphix engine, including a dx_get_capacity
command to gather information about capacity utilization. Unlike the CLI, the dx_get_capacity
command includes the ability to get a complete breakdown of utilization by snapshot.
More information about the dxToolkit is available on Github. The dxToolkit is maintained by Delphix Professional Services. Support for this tool is not available directly through Delphix Support but instead through the Delphix Toolkits Community page.
Fluentd Plugin Service
Fluentd plugins provide a mechanism to customize the Delphix engine’s forwarding capabilities for output to other data consumers, beyond the built-in support for Splunk. See Fluentd Plugin Service for API Modules for more information.