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Error "Cannot Set Objects Directly, Set Individual Members or Use 'Edit' Instead” When Setting PublicKey (KBA4250)




KBA# 4250


Troubleshooting "Cannot set objects directly, set individual members or use 'edit' instead" when setting publicKey

If setting the publickey and following documentation

you will get the following error:

DE> user current 
DE user 'delphix_admin'> update 
DE user 'delphix_admin' update *> set publicKey
DE user 'delphix_admin' update *>Cannot set objects directly, set individual members or use 'edit' instead.


To resolve the Error: "Cannot set objects directly, set individual members or use 'edit' instead" when setting publicKey

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Login to the CLI as the delphix_admin user.
  2. Enter the following at the prompt:
DE> user current 
DE user 'delphix_admin'> update 
DE user 'delphix_admin' update *> set publicKey=“<enter key eg. ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAjdQYr1WU6UPr6FZqyt3eKNJEkAi0bmkj6nHQ== rsa-key-20160309”
DE user 'delphix_admin' update *>commit