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Configuring Masking Application Settings (KBA1805)



Configuring Application Settings

This page describes how to change Application Settings using the Masking API v5.




The Application Settings API is available from version 5.2 and up only. The document has been created using version

How to

To change Application Settings, please use the Masking API and the following API calls. 

API Client 

For a handful of changes, the easiest is to use the API Client which can be accessed from any browser. 

  1. Go to the api-client URL 'http://[masking_engine]:8282/masking/api-client'.
  2. Login and Authorize 
  3. Access Application Settings Endpoint: 'GET /application-settings'.
  4. Locate Application Settings ID.
  5. Use Application Settings endpoint 'PUT /application-settings/{settingId}' to set desired setting. 


Here is an example of using the API Client.

Step 1. Navigate to the api-client URL

Go to a browser and change the masking engine URL to the following: http://[masking_engine]:8282/masking/api-client

Masking UI - URL API Client.png
Step 2. Login and Authorize

Go to the endpoint Login:

  • a: Expand the endpoint.
  • b: Click in the example in order to copy the sample over.
  • c: Change the login details.
  • d: Click 'Try it out!'.

Masking UI - Login.png

Copy the authorization code from the 'Response Body' (just the code - no quotes):

Masking UI - Login Response.png

Use the Authorization string to authorize the API calls:

  • a: Click 'Authorize' (at the top right of the page).
  • b: Paste the Authorization code in to 'api-key'.
  • c: Click 'Authorize'.

Masking UI - Authenticate.png

Step 3. Access the Application Settings endpoint.

To get the 'Application Settings ID' for the Application Setting to change, please use 'GET Application-Settings':

  • a: Expand the endpoint.
  • b: (Optional) Set a group parameter to reduce the result set.
  • c: Click 'Try it out!' to get the result set. 

Masking UI - Get Application Settings.png



 When using GET /application-settings, you can use the parameter setting_group to retrieve settings for a specific group, such as 'profile'.

The groups can be seen in the table 'Available Application Settings' below. 

Step 4. Locate Application Settings ID.

In the Response Body from the call above, find the 'settingID' for the application setting you would like to change.

The example below shows '41'  to set the number of rows used to profile the data in a column.  

Masking UI - Application Setttings ID.png

Step 5. Use Application Settings endpoint

To change the value use the PUT endpoint:

  • a: Expand the PUT application-settings endpoint.
  • b: Click in the example in order to copy the sample over.
  • c: Set the settingId value to the one you collected earlier (above). 
  • d: Change the settingValue to the new value.
  • e: Click 'Try it out!' to apply the change. 

Masking UI - Put Application Settings.png

Available Application Settings 

The following Application Settings are available.

| setting_group  | setting_name                          | Versions | value                                       |
| algorithm  +!+ | AbortOnSegmentMappingPatternFailure   | -    5.3 | "t"                                         |
| analytics      | CpuTime                               | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | LoadAverage                           | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | MemoryUsage                           | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | OffCpu                                | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | OnCpu                                 | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | StepPerformance                       | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| analytics      | TcpUsage                              | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| async      +!+ | HistoryExpirationDays                 | -    5.3 | "30"                                        |
| engineSync +!+ | DocPurgePeriod                        | -    5.3 | "24"                                        |
| fileUpload +!+ | PurgePeriod                           | -    5.3 | "24"                                        |
| general        | AllowPasswordResetRequest             | 5.2, 5.3 | "t"                                         |
| general        | EnableMonitorRowCount                 | 5.2, 5.3 | "t"                                         |
| general    +!+ | EncrKeyCounter                        | 5.2  -   | "2"                                         |
| general        | JobOutputCleanerPeriodIntervalSeconds | 5.2, 5.3 | "86400"                                     |
| general    +!+ | MaximumQueuedJobs                     | -    5.3 | "0"                                         |
| general        | PasswordCount                         | 5.2, 5.3 | "3"                                         |
| general        | PasswordResetLinkDuration             | 5.2, 5.3 | "5"                                         |
| general        | PasswordTimeSpan                      | 5.2, 5.3 | "23"                                        |
| ldap           | Enable                                | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| ldap           | LdapBasedn                            | 5.2, 5.3 | "DC=tbspune,DC=com"                         |
| ldap           | LdapFilter                            | 5.2, 5.3 | "(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=?))" |
| ldap           | LdapHost                              | 5.2, 5.3 | ""                               |
| ldap           | LdapPort                              | 5.2, 5.3 | "389"                                       |
| ldap       +!+ | LdapTlsEnable                         | -    5.3 | "f"                                         |
| ldap           | MsadDomain                            | 5.2, 5.3 | "AD"                                        |
| mask           | BulkDataSeparator                     | 5.2, 5.3 | "#;#"                                       |
| mask           | DatabaseCommitSize                    | 5.2, 5.3 | "10000"                                     |
| mask           | DefaultMaxMemory                      | 5.2, 5.3 | "1024"                                      |
| mask           | DefaultMinMemory                      | 5.2, 5.3 | "1024"                                      |
| mask           | DefaultStreams                        | 5.2, 5.3 | "1"                                         |
| mask           | DefaultUpdateThreads                  | 5.2, 5.3 | "1"                                         |
| profile        | DataLevelPercentage                   | 5.2, 5.3 | "80"                                        |
| profile        | DataLevelRows                         | 5.2, 5.3 | "100"                                       |
| profile        | DefaultMaxMemory                      | 5.2, 5.3 | "1024"                                      |
| profile        | DefaultMinMemory                      | 5.2, 5.3 | "1024"                                      |
| profile        | DefaultStreams                        | 5.2, 5.3 | "1"                                         |
| profile        | EnableDataLevelCount                  | 5.2, 5.3 | "f"                                         |
| profile        | IgnoreDatatype                        | 5.2, 5.3 | "BIT,BOOLEAN,CHAR#1,VARCHAR#1,VARCHAR2#1,   |
|                |                                       |          | NCHAR#1,NVARCHAR#1,NVARCHAR2#1,BINARY,      |
|                |                                       |          | VARBINARY,IMAGE,LOB,LONG,BLOB,CLOB,NCLOB,   |
|                |                                       |          | BFILE,RAW,ENUM,BFILE"                       |
| smtp       -!- | EmailAddressFrom                      | 5.2  -   | ""                       |
|   "        +!+ |   "                                   | -    5.3 | ""                       |
| smtp       -!- | EmailEnabled                          | 5.2  -   | "t"                                         |
|   "        +!+ |   "                                   | -    5.3 | "f"                                         |
| smtp           | EmailSubject                          | 5.2, 5.3 | "Delphix Masking"                           |
| smtp           | Host                                  | 5.2, 5.3 | ""                                          |
| smtp           | Password                              | 5.2, 5.3 | "***"                                       |


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