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Rule Set Feature: Join Table (KBA4459)




KBA# 4459

At a Glance    

Versions: Applicable Delphix Masking versions: 4.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.x
Description: Use this feature to specify a SQL join to select specific data based on values in a second (or third...) table.
Location: UI: Rule Set > Edit Table Settings > Join Table
API: [not available]
RS Indicator: Table Indicator in the Rule Set: 'JC'.
Version Updates: -


Use this feature to join the masked table with another table(s) and using this join to filter the data. 

To use the feature, create a Rule Set with the table being masked (Main_Table) and the table(s) used in the join. 

  • Main_Table - the table masked.
  • Join_Table(s) - the tables used in the join. 

Then in the Join Table feature, define these components (the numbers correspond with the numbers in the SQL example below): 

  1. The Source Column (field: 'Select Value').
  2. The Join Table (field: 'Select Table').
  3. The Join Column (field: 'Select Column').

The final SQL looks something like this:

   Main_Table.Key,                         < 1.
   Join_Table                              < 2.
   Main_Table.Key = Join_Table.Join_Key    < 3.




The SQL created using this feature will extract all column in the masked table. For this reason, it might be better to use the feature Custom SQL and manually define the SQL statement.

UI Examples   

In the examples below the following names have been used: 

  • Rule Set: 'Rule Set Features RS'.
  • Original table Name: 'Main_Table'.
  • Join table name: 'Join_Table'.

Rule Set page   

Please note the 'JC' indicator on the Main_Table and the Rule Set has to have the Join Table defined. 

UI - RS Feature - Join Table - RS Edit.png

Edit Table Settings popup   

This shows an example of joining Main_Table with Join_Table using column Key joined with column Join_Key. The SQL generated for this join is shown above. 

UI - RS Feature - Join Table - Feature Edit.png

Missing input error   

There are two errors possible when configuring this feature: 

  • Missing input
    • "Please select the source column."
    • "Please select the target table."

The example below shows "Please select the target table."

UI - RS Feature - Join Table - Missing Input.png

Related Articles   

The following product documentation may provide more information or related information to this article: