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Algorithm v1: Phone SL Algorithm (KBA1806)



At a Glance 

Deprecated This KBA is only for historical information. Valid for all versions up to


New versions The following Out of the Box algorithms are replacing this algorithm:
Available in Available in all known versions. .., 4.x, 5.0, 5.1. 5.2, 5.3, and up to 6.0.12.

1:1 Mapping2

Phone SL Redaction + Lookup Yes  No  

1 Referential Integrity - The masked value will be the same between job executions as well as tables.
2 1:1 Mapping - The masked value will be mapped uniquely to the input value within the masked column.

In: Unicode alphabetic characters (letters and numbers) (masking numbers).
Out: Unicode alphabetic characters.
Lookup Pool Size 100 values.
Strength Very fast and retains spacing and special characters. Masks phone extensions.
Robust and consistent.  
Limitations Generates duplicated numbers.
Will not parse out phone number part.
Extensions will change what is masked. 
Will not mask short numbers (<7).
Small pool size. 


High-level Overview

This is a custom Secure Lookup algorithm with some smarts built in to handle masking of phone numbers.

The algorithm masks the 7 last digits by padding the first three with 555 and secure lookup the last 4 digits and then retain any special character used within the number.

Since the 7 last digits are only masked this will mean that any country and area code (usually) are retained. 

This algorithm cannot be modified and the standard lookup algorithm doesn't have all of the features of this algorithm.


Below is an example of masked result using varchar. All examples use the same number sequence from the right.

The table shows:

  • Source Input - the source data to be masked.
  • Masked Output - the masked result. Note that any non-digit is re-added. 
  • Components - for visualization only
    • Components Input - the input string with numbers only and in components.
    • Components Output - the masked output string in components.
|        Source Input |                    |                    |       Masked Output |
|                     |   Components Input |  Components Masked |                     |
|     +61219876543-21 |    612198|765|4321 |    612198|555|8675 |     +61219855586-75 |
| +61219876543 ext 21 |    612198|765|4321 |    612198|555|2209 | +61219855522 ext 09 |
|   +61219876543 (21) |    612198|765|4321 |    612198|555|9890 |   +61219855598 (90) |
|       987654321 DNC |        98|765|4321 |        98|555|3502 |       985553502 DNC |
|       DNC 987654321 |        98|765|4321 |        98|555|8544 |       DNC 985558544 |
|    6543210987654321 | 654321098|765|4321 | 654321098|555|8842 |    6543210985558842 |
|         987 654 321 |        98|765|4321 |        98|555|2230 |         985 552 230 |
|         987.654.321 |        98|765|4321 |        98|555|4489 |         985.554.489 |
|           987654321 |        98|765|4321 |        98|555|8544 |           985558544 |
|            87654321 |         8|765|4321 |         8|555|2727 |            85552727 |
|            765-4321 |          |765|4321 |          |555|8544 |            555-8544 |
|             7654321 |          |765|4321 |          |555|8544 |             5558544 |
|            65 43 21 |            65|4321 |            55|9738 |            55 97 38 |
|        65 43 ext 21 |            65|4321 |            55|8544 |        55 85 ext 44 |
Not Masked - too short
|              654321 |            65|4321 |                --- |              654321 |
|                4321 |              |4321 |                --- |                4321 |
|                  21 |                 21 |                --- |                  21 |
|                   1 |                  1 |                --- |                   1 |